The Mascot of NDY Industries is Keepin' On

The Mascot of NDY Industries is Keepin' On

Thursday, 29 December 2016

Ah, What's in a Fortune Cookie?

Some of you may have wondered over the years, “Who put the ‘Ding’ in ‘Ding - a ding- a ding dong’” and in the same spirit I’ll bet you – like I - have long anguished over the questions of:  

  • “Who puts the fortunes in fortune cookies?”
  • “How do the fortunes get into the cookies?”  
  • “Who are the seers and fortune tellers who conjure up and ordain the true fortunes that make it into the cookies that reach millions every day?  (I was going to say “who” reach ….” because the cookies can be personified can’t they? Each speaks a personally developed and personally targeted message)
  • “How many fortunes are in the Great Fortune (Cookie) Library?” (If there is a”Great Pumpkin Patch” as postulated by Linus, there must be a “Great Fortune (Cookie) Library”.  Am I right, or am I right?
  • And, just what are those numbers at the bottom of some fortunes and why are there always (usually?) six numbers? 
These have been important questions for me. Regardless, they’ve evolved into today’s purveyors of meaningful personal commentaries.  I open each cookie I’m gifted with a mix of trepidation and excitement and always, with an unbridled sense of hopefulness. I’ve saved a few of my fortunes to provide inspiration on rainy days, and sunny days and just about any other time. I even put a few in my wallet so they’re available for inspiration anywhere, anytime. And I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one! 

So I went to the internet - the source of all truths (everything on the web is true, isn’t it?) -  to discover, inter alia, the following:  

  • The cookie – with – a - message has a history dating back to the 13th century when they were used to pass secret messages during timed of war. Well, that’s one view anyway. Others think was actually a Japanese product and that the fortune orientation was created in the US. 
  • There are reported to be about 5 Billion cookies sold worldwide each year. The biggest player seems to be Wonton Food Inc., originally from New York, but now with plants in Texas and Tennessee as well. The info I read suggests they produce some 5 million cookies per day which are sold in the US, Canada, Latin America and Europe.  See

  • In my neck of the Wings Food Products seems to own the fortune cookie market.  It is a family owned business in the Toronto area with a plant in Edmonton as well. It started making and distributing noodles, but has added a full range of Asian products including fortune cookies which have become an important part of the business. “Its people” make/bake the cookies and write the fortunes in the cookies.  See . I am informed they have many thousands of fortunes in their library…each one itching to be a match with you. 
I intend to do some work on this subject, but until then, you can some more yourself. A couple of obvious sites are: 

And as to some of my favs, here's a few, in no particular order or sequence….read deeply, breathe deeply, meditate with and without thought and just imagine a better “me” and a better world too, one that will indeed “Keep on Eh”!

  • You tune in intuitively to people and situations immediately and intensely
  • You have keen intuition and emotional sensitivity
  • Be your yourself and you will always be in fashion
  • You are sociable and entertaining
  • Good health will be yours for a long time
  • Your magnetic personality will draw people to you
  • You have keen intuition and emotional sensitivity
  • You have a slow and unhurried natural rhythm
  • Think long term
  • Smiling will take away your worries
  • You are demonstrative with those you love
  • Firm friendships will prove to be the foundation of your success in life 
  • Sometimes travel to new places leads to great transformation
  • You are heading to a land of great sunshine (Manchu Wok)
  • Friends long absent are coming back to you
  • Keep it up…success is on its way
  • You will manufacture a phenomenon
  • You will always have good luck in your personal affairs
  • Your artistic talent will win the approval and applause of others
  • You are very grateful for the small pleasures of life
  • This is really a lovely day….congratulations!
  • A large sum of money will come to you (shortly)
  • You will be recognized for your great achievements
  • Enjoy Life! It is better to be happy than wise.
Let me know what your All Time Fortune Cookie Fortunes are! All fodder I think for long conversations, meditations and personal enlightenment. Let's all Keep on (getting better) eh.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Socio-Economics; Gone, Gone, Gone; Gone so Long?

We've killed the notion that there is anything like a  "socio-economic" system.  

Our Social system is in great danger. Income differentials and the fear of being left further behind felt by so many have reached the critical stage. The patient is weak and in life-threatening condition. Why? Because capitalism and globalization have been allowed to rule the roost. I believe in capitalism, but not in the absence of corporate social responsibility. I believe in freer trade, but not without some loyalty to the home and new host countries. That companies can sue countries in which they chose to do business because the country evolves its social, environmental priorities and/or rules of engagement is anathema. I believe that companies should be encouraged and enabled to be efficient and profitable, but not at the expense of worker safety, worker growth and environmental enhancement. I believe in growth, but more specifically growth of society...growth in people's knowledge, experience, understanding, empathy and contribution. I do not believe that growth can or should be measured so predominantly by economic markers like GDP. Some have introduced new measures to try to reflect changes in the quality of life, but they are overwhelmed by the western world's dangerous emphasis on economic growth for the sake of it and the concomitant forsaking of societal growth. Making widgets at the lowest possible cost and giving corporations unfettered ability to do so doesn't make sense to me. We can continue to bow to the false gods of GDP and corporate profits (at our peril), or as William once said, rise up against a sea of troubles and fix things.

I read recently a call to "Civilize Capitalism" and although I can not recall the source, I agree wholeheartedly with the notion. And there is the recent report from Economist Joseph Stiglitz and Mark Pieth flowing from their study of the Panama Papers which calls for an end to the pervasive existence of tax haven jurisdictions. They make the point that in a globalized world...funds will flow to any pockets of secrecy that exist. And they said: "...(we must) show our citizens that Globalization can be tempered and that it can be tamed for the benefit of the vast majority...".

Civilizing capitalism and taming globalization...two great ideas. Let's get at it!

Jeremy Rifkin wrote in his book The End of Work about the three types of capital; market capital (corporate), public capital (governments) and social capital (people, NGOs, charities etc.). He spoke of the need to increase the clout and elevate the profile of civil society making it an equal partner with the marketplace and government. He suggested that the government and civil sectors : "...can exert tremendous political pressure on corporations, forcing some of their gains...into communities".

We certainly need a rebalancing of these three sectors. And there's no avoiding the fact that it's up to US, the world's good people, to do so. We elect the governments that make the rules, we finance the governments to allow them to serve us, our labour and intelligence make the products and food we need and want (or the machines that do), then we buy the products the (world) economy produces and in so doing,  we make choices of which companies and products to support, so, if we don't like the way money and capital are flowing, let's re-direct the river and find better ways to finance the civil organizations that help make society better.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

O Canada, The Anthem

There’s been lots of talk over the years and more recently about changing the words in Canada’s National Anthem to make it “more Inclusive” and better reflect our current and complex population.. Gender neutrality is the subject du jour. But, methinks that gender neutrality is but a part of the opportunity. To be truly inclusive, in addition to changing the current reference “in all thy son’s command” to” “in all our command”, let’s go for the gusto and make the all the changes to “Neutralize and Reflect and Represent”. Here’s a few ideas.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Sports Teams, Names, Political Correctness and Kids

There have been several articles recently in my local newspaper regarding these topics. My thoughts follow as you might expect)!

(i) Team names are not chosen to offend or weaken. They are chosen to celebrate desirable confidence, achievement, strength and the ability to overcome obstacles. They are chosen to inspire players and fans alike. Names are chosen to portray strength and courage...hence we have: Lions and Tiger Cats..but not Pussy Cats; Sharks, but not Minnows.
It behooves the users of the name and the logo to educate, inform the public of the logo’s history and to tell the stories of the strength and positive attributes of the peoples and things they reference and/or depict. Black Hawk was from what I know, a very courageous and proud man Good qualities for anyone on my team. 

(ii) Mascots are something entirely different. They are meant to engage, entertain, attract TV cameras and need not reflect the name or the logo of the team’s brand in any way. Who is Carlton Bear anyway? Is he a slight to Brown(-ish) bears? 

(iii) Re the Equity Summit Group reporting to the TDSB about kids wearing certain team sweaters etc. to school: they cited Chicago Black Hawks, Washington Redskins and Cleveland Indians  which are all longstanding team names. People of many if not all colours, ethnicities and orientation have played for and cheered for these teams. Many players have been enshrined in respective Halls of Fame wearing the team logo. People have played for and cheered for these teams and others like them for years. Many players have been enshrined in respective Halls of Fame wearing the team logo. 

Will the Equity Summit Group also forbid kids from visiting those Halls? Or reading old game sheets, or books about the teams, their owners, their players etc.? Will the Equity Police order Google and other search engines to eliminate all references to these teams? Will they then ban all “oater” movies or worse still...order a burning of the sweaters and books and...who knows what else. Will I have to burn my baseball card collection?

(iv) While we're all at it,
why not ban “Maple Leafs”?  What a poor name that is (they look good in the spring, excite themselves during the summer, then, change colours and drop every fall).